Puppy Vaccinations - Diseases, Reactions and Reducing Stress

Puppy vaccinated is one of the most important and beneficial actions you can take for their health. The vaccinations they are given protect them from life-threatening diseases they can come into contact with. Just like with human vacations, puppy vaccinations will be given a small dose of the actual disease itself, which in turn will cause their body to create immunity for the disease.

The diseases puppies should be vaccinated against include:
• Distemper
• Canine adenovirus
• Parvovirus
• Rabies
• A kennel cough
• Coronavirus

Depending on the health and location of your puppy, the vet may also recommend some other puppy vaccinations for diseases such as leptospirosis and Lyme disease. Each of these diseases has a tendency to spread fast; a reason why it's important to keep on top of them.

Puppy vaccination schedule:Puppies can be vaccinated for Parvovirus when they are only 5 weeks old; they should be a little older when they receive their other vaccines. For example, a combination vaccine can be given at 6 and 9 weeks old, and a rabies vaccine should be given at 12 and 15 weeks old. After your puppy is vaccinated, it's not done yet; adult dogs require a booster shot once every year.

Some owners worry that vaccinations are not safe for their puppy, however, they are generally safe for all dogs; that doesn't mean you shouldn't keep an eye on him/her after he had the shots are administered because reactions can still occur.

Mild reactions to vaccinations can include:
• Fever
• Soreness at the injection site
• Loss of appetite
If these reactions occur, they should subside within 24 hours.
Some more serious reactions to vaccinations can include:

• Urticaria: A moderate reaction of the skin, exhibited as hives, swelling, redness, and itchiness.
• Anaphylaxis: A severe reaction that causes breathing difficulties due to swelling of the larynx; it may also cause vomiting, diarrhea, staggering, seizures and cardiovascular collapse. The reaction is sudden and symptoms occur quickly. It is rare but life-threatening.

Your puppy should not be exposed to other dogs until she is fully immunized. Puppies that are not vaccinated are more likely to contract a disease and then spread it to others. One of the main goals of puppy immunizations to is to prevent spreading throughout the dog population. If you have adopted a dog from a shelter and do not know what vaccinations she has been given, it may be safe to give him the series of shots again, but speak to your vet about this.

Reduce your puppy's stress level: Vaccinations will generally be a stressful event for most puppies, remember what it was like getting your vaccinations as a child... I remember it being quite stressful! If you'd like to help reduce your pet's stress and anxiety, and promote relaxation and balanced behavior. As always, do your research, know your options and reasons for doing things and then if you have questions about puppy vaccinations, a veterinarian is the best person to get reliable answers from.

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